Incendrix is under most means docile, but when angry, and influenced by his old, ravenous and angry ways, is burned by his own heart from the inside out, unable to die, infinitely regenerating, but uncaring, for he's too busy chasing prey to care. Incendrix is a trapped spirit in the Super Mario Universe, where the world acts as his own personal hell. Eventually, they built up their name, went insane, and became Incendrix. Speed forward to 1991, Kenric woke up trapped in the Super Mario universe, where he went insane, he thought he was alive, he thought he'd be free. Kenric eventually had a bounty put on them, and was killed by a steel hatchet directly to the forehead. He hated his job and hated to kill people, with no chance to give chances. However, they are of little use to him due to his already immense power.Kenric was once a medieval executioner put to the job with no other choice, not making enough to support his family. MX is capable of using power-ups like the Mario Bros.That being said, MX went back to his original design without gloves when FrazzDude got ownership of the character back.However, he got a slight redesign with gloves when Inferno_Plumber got ownership of the character. His creator and previous owner, FrazzDude (formerly known as Mari0Bot), doesn't say anything about fanart depicting him with gloves, saying it " cool anyway".

He later found his brother and together go back to their home. He first tries to kill Mario, SMG4 and 3. The second appearance is via edited gameplay footage of the upcoming update of Friday Night Funkin' mod Vs. He make two cameos in this video.The first appearance is as a 3D model, seemingly used to represent Mario.

History Mario Reacts To Nintendo Memes 12